

AD4500 personalised

Sealing tapes
Our breather tape AD3500/AD4500 does its finest work in conjunction with our blanking tape, the G3600 series. The combination of AntiDUST® G3600 and AD3500 gives you the best benefits in protecting your multi-wall sheet against dust, moss, insects and algae.

Customised tapes
Your own AntiDUST® tape. Multifoil has always taken the lead in developing the best tapes for the multi-wall sheet market. Aside from our pursuit of technical perfection and our drive to service the market with the best products, we are also able to customize our AD4500 series with your logo and/or brand name.
More information about
AntiDUST® tape?
The inventor of AntiDUST® tape
Multifoil is a Dutch manufacturer and the inventor of AntiDUST® tape. We innovate, test, and manufacture the AntiDUST® tapes, as well as a broad range of technical tapes, from our (production) site in Vianen, The Netherlands. We distribute to customers all over the world. For more information, please check www.multifoil.com.
Six clear reasons to use AntiDUST® tape by Multifoil
All AntiDUST® tapes by Multifoil have been engineered to accomplish one goal: to keep your polycarbonate sheet clean and clear. This way you can enjoy all the benefits that a polycarbonate multiwall system has to offer.
The high end non-woven has been specially treated to make sure that condensation is gently guided outside. This way we ensure excellent draining.
Coated with a strong and durable adhesive, with outdoor resistance. Easy to apply and reliable. Engineered for polycarbonate application.
The filter gives perfect protection to filth and dirt, even in very small particles. Fungi, algae and insects stand no chance.
All multiwall sheets expand and contract due to its material qualities. All AntiDUST® tapes have been engineered to grow and shrink with the sheet. No more tearing or breaking of the tape.
Too much or too little ventilation, both isn’t good for the life time of the sheet. Our tape system provides the sufficient amount of ventilation.
Our specially treated high quality non-woven keeps particles >25µm out of the multiwall sheet and is anti-bacterial. Perfect protection.